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Ear correction
1 min read
Various causes can trigger the desire for correction of the ears. For both children and adults, protruding ears are often the cause of teasing and an obstacle to socializing. Ears naturally enlarge with age. Wearing heavy earrings can also often lead to deformation, sometimes even to the earlobes being torn out.
There are always cases of deformation of the auricle due to an accident or tumor disease. Of course, such accident- or disease-related deformities can also be corrected, as we have also been working in the field of reconstruction for years and have already performed a large number of reconstructive procedures.
The ear has a special structure that can hardly be found in any other part of the body. The cartilaginous framework is only covered by a very thin cartilaginous membrane and the skin directly attached to it. The subcutaneous fat layer is therefore largely absent from the auricle, which is why the visible skin can hardly be moved. This must be taken into account during surgical procedures.
The surgical access route is primarily behind the ear. Only if this is not sufficient is recourse made to alternative access options on the front inside the pinna. Incidentally, there is no other part of the body where scars have such a great tendency to fade completely. As a result, they are largely inconspicuous or even completely invisible later on.
It is important to inform the doctor what you would like to change and what the result should look like. The consultation will show you what is possible and feasible and which alternatives and additional treatments are feasible or necessary in order to come as close as possible to your expectations.
In most cases, the corrections are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
Aim of the operation
Give the ears a natural shape and size.
As with any operation, there are risks. Ear surgery can lead to post-operative bleeding and/or wound infection, among other things. If you follow the doctor's instructions and don't engage in excessive physical exertion during the first few days after the operation, the risk is almost negligible.
After the operation
Depending on the size and extent of the operation, the wound dressing is worn for two to four days, after which it is replaced by a spray dressing, so that even at this stage there is hardly any external reminder of an operation. As long as a dressing is worn, rest is necessary to minimize the risk of bleeding or infection. In the following four to six weeks, you should avoid intensive sun exposure, tanning beds and saunas as well as competitive sports. It may also be necessary to wear a headband for several weeks during the night to prevent unwanted manipulation during sleep.
Our range of ear corrections includes
- Creation of auricles
- Reduction of auricles
- Corrections of earlobes
- Tumor removal and defect coverage on the auricles
- Follow-up operations after external interventions with unfavorable results
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